

Career Options in Real Estate Sector

The real estate sector can offer a great career opportunity and is highly rewarding. It opens up numerous job opportunities with attractive income levels, freedom, and plenty of time and thus seems a viable career option in the coming years.

The real estate sector is considered to be the second-highest employment generating sector in India. And by 2025, it is believed that it will contribute 13% of the country’s GDP. Real estate careers encompass a wide range of possibilities and are always highly in demand. While real estate jobs are some of the highest-paid jobs.

In addition to factors such as family history, personality, and background, real estate practitioners contend with a high level of stress, wide swings in client emotions, and the job’s demanding nature.

Real estate agent is one of the most coveted jobs in this sector. Real estate agents assist people in selling or purchasing a property.

As a real estate agent, you can be outdoors showing homes, marketing companies’ brands, connecting people with the property they are searching for, and selling/buying homes at the same time. The same applies to commercial properties as well.


Individuals with strong sales experience are ideal candidates for this position. A property manager is responsible for safeguarding the client's assets by hiring the appropriate personnel to care for them, respond to emergencies, and offer timely feedback to owners and investors. They could collaborate with real estate firms or private investors. The position is intended for a more advanced stage in the real estate profession. They manage properties on behalf of owners or investors and ensure that they are maintained properly.


Real estate consultancy is fast becoming an attractive second career for retired real estate agents with extensive experience in the field. Counsellors are professionals who give advice and recommendations for buying and selling various properties. Their knowledge also enables them to recognise trends and forecast the future of real estate, providing valuable information to help investors achieve their objectives. They assess residential or commercial properties and provide advice on their worth or value.


Real estate appraisers are specialists with strong accounting backgrounds who estimate the monetary value of a property. To become a real estate appraiser, you must understand how to value properties based on their characteristics, location, and comparison to other similar properties. Appraisers can work privately, such as valuing your home before it is sold or mortgaged, or for the government, such as valuing your home for tax purposes.


Leasing agents collaborate with property managers to identify the best tenants for their properties. They manage lease signings and act as landlords on behalf of the property owners. If you have got marketing and negotiation skills, this could be an excellent opportunity for you. Leasing agents are well-known in the sector for their extensive understanding of the real estate market and their ability to provide customised solutions to questions about school districts, zoning, and expansion, among other things.

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